5 Easy Tips for Success

diet success

Set Realistic Goals for Diet Success

The most important thing; Maintaining your confidence should take place before you begin to cut a single calorie. The say that one of the strongest predictors of having long-term diet success lies in setting the right goals from the beginning.

Go Slow

Diet success entails making real lifestyle changes. This doesn’t happen overnight. If you keep in mind that optimal weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week, your frustration levels will be very low!

Expect Setbacks

Everyone is bound to give in to temptation from time to time.  The danger isn’t necessarily the single splurge you may have, but letting it become an excuse for an all-out binge.

Be Patient

One of the biggest diet motivation-busters is the dreaded weight loss plateau.  Even after you have been doing everything right like exercising and eating well, the scale will reach its plateau and stay stuck for several days in a row. Don’t get discouraged, this is a natural part of the weight loss process.

Reward Yourself

Dieting is hard work and it’s not always a whole lot of fun. Small rewards can provide an incentive to keep going. But make sure your rewards are not food-related.

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